Vacation Bible School
Volunteer Information

VBS Dates

Meetings, Work Days, Block Party & Week of VBS

February 3 at 5:30 pm - VBS Meeting
March 3 at 5:30 pm - VBS Meeting
April 7 at 5:30 pm - VBS Meeting
May 5 at 5:30 pm - VBS Meeting
May 31 - VBS Kickoff

Week of VBS

Sunday, June 8th - Thursday, June 12th

Dinner at 5:30; VBS starts at 6 pm and ends at 8:30 pm

Friday, June 13th - Family Night

Start at 6 pm in the Auditorium

VBS Volunteer Needs

Bible Study Teachers

Sign up to be a Bible Study Teacher or assistant for any of these age groups.
1st & 2nd Grade
3rd & 4th Grade
5th Grade

Rotation Teachers

Rotation Teachers include music, recreation, crafts & missions! We will need a lead teacher and at least 1 assistant for each rotation.


We will be serving dinner every evening at 5:30 pm and also serving dinner on Friday evening for family night! We'll need 3-4 people minimum to help in the kitchen.


Security assists with parking lot patrol, check-in and check-out each evening, escorting kids to and from classroom to go to the restroom and more!


Are you crafty? We need your help! There is lots of decorating to be done. We need your help transforming the church into Breaker Rock Beach. 

Promotion/Follow Up

We send out mailers prior to VBS and after VBS for follow up. We will need help getting these ready to mail out. 

T-Shirt Orders

T-Shirt Orders and payments are due by May 5th. 

VBS Kickoff Block Party

Saturday May 31st
11 am to 1 pm
We're going to kickoff our VBS festivities with a Block Party on Saturday June 1 from 11 am to 1 pm at Cribbs Family Youth Park!

-Block Party Trailer - set up inflatables and games

  • Grilled Hotdogs
  • Chips
  • Cookies
  • Bottled Water

-Photo Booth

-Bus Ride Sign Ups

-Craft - TBD

-Memory Verse/Theme Verse - talk about memory verse - hand out memory verse cards for kids to memorize - I've ordered business cards to hand out to kids so they can begin memorizing the theme verse

-Sticker Giveaways for those who sign up for VBS

VBS Daily Bible Lessons & Verses